Thursday, December 30, 2010

A couple of months ago I went with my daughter and her husband who had a business trip in San Fransisco so I went with them and their 3 children. We went to Fishermans warf and looked across the water to Alcatraz and also went across the golden gate bridge. we also went to china town and bought funny little head massagers and bread from the bakery. My grandaughter was having a little fit about something and one of the little china ladies immitated her bad behavior which made my grandaughter stop immediately what she was doing. We also ate lunch there at a park while the children played with the toys. The park was full of pigeons wanting our lunch. Another day we went to half moon bay and there was an eighty foot dead whale washed up on shore. It had been there for two weeks so it was somewhat decomposed and stinky. It was a tremendous sight. I touched it with my foot. I had shoes on of course.
Christmas was very fun and busy. We had a couple of fun family parties. One was a swedish Christmas party because of our heritage and we also had a program about our Savior with musical numbers from each family unit. Our church ward had a Christmas breakfast with a nice program. All in all it was a great holiday season.
Our daughter Aubrey and husband Jess who already have one little boy are now expecting twin boys in May and we about fainted when we found out. There are several sets of twin boys in our family tree so it shouldn't be such a surprise really. We are excited at the same time.
The snow piled up so quickly after a huge storm yesterday. At the same time a crown on a back tooth of mine has come loose, I have a feeling this tooth might have to be pulled. It feel terrible and I feel like pulling it myself. Our dentist is not back till the new year and in the meantime it hurts . This is like the third crown of mine to have this problem. I really need some tooth implants. Some day I hope. I guess I have to have something fall apart as part of turning 50 soon. I guess there could always be worse things. Grandkids are fighting downstairs and lots of crying is going on. Hopefully things get back to normal next week.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heidi has gone back to college at BYU Idaho and we are happy for her but worried at the same time. Her balance ism't perfect but she is well enough on her way. Rachel is back in high school and is working hard at getting good grades and cheering for the football games. All the girls are here with their children so it's a little wild right now. I've been working on crafts for our next boutique which will be Wednesday Thursday and Friday of this week at a neighbors home. It should be a blast. My sister Becky has a set of twin boys who are getting married that same morning one right after the other in the Salt Lake temple this Friday and I am going, yahoo! I am glad that it is getting to be fall now even though it means winter is around the corner. It was a little cooler today and there were some dark clouds that rolled by dropping a few showers and cooled the air down a little which made it feel really nice. Well I better finish working on dinner. I have a spaghetti squash in the oven and Craig is going to grill some stakes out back. It should be yummy.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our daughter Sarah and her hubbie just had their third baby. A dark haired little angel baby girl.
Her name is Camille. Her older sister said she was so full of happiness inside that she did not know what to do with it.
We went to Denver Colorado this past weekend to attend a nephews missionary farewell for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We got there a couple of days before the meeting and enjoyed a nice visit. The farewell meeting was great and we are all so happy for Cole. We had yummy food after wards and then headed back to Utah.
We had another grandbaby who was born just two weeks after the last one. It's another beautiful baby girl and her name is Ava Nicole. She has lots of brown hair and a turned up nose just like her mother. Those two girl cousins will love having each other. Craig and I and another couple who are our friends just returned from a fun Mexican cruise. We rode bikes to a little town and visited shops and a little village. On another day we went to some fabulous beaches. We saw noisy seals piled on rocks and a variety of brilliant colorful fish while taking a wild ride on a small boat. The water was extremely choppy with big waves but so very aqua blue. We swam at a lovely beach and enjoyed the gorgeous senery. Happy to be back home though.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

on Sunday our family sang in sacrament meeting. It was me, Craig, Heidi, Rachel, Sarah, Randall,and Amber. It was frightfully scary to do this but we did it. The song was "Come Come Ye Saints". The song in a way reflected what our family has been through this past year.
My grandaughter for some odd reason pressed her top and bottom lip on a hot pan right out of the oven with pizza on it. She cried and wailed for three hours. Luckily she healed in a week, but in the meantime it cured her from sucking her thumb. A bad thing but at least a good thing came out of it.
We went to Idaho this last weekend. We visited Heidi's surgeon that had operated on her a year ago. He was very nice to visit with us and seemed pleased at Heidi' recovery. We told him that we were thankful that he saved Heidi's life. We also visited friends and family there and the president of BYU Idaho and other church BYU leaders there. Heidi bore her testimony in sacrament meeting of her old ward . Over all we had a very nice trip.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My daughter Heidi is doing so much better all the time. I dont have to be right next to her when we are out and about. Her balancing has improved but she would like to be dancing again and that will take a little more time.....She is very inspiring as she keeps on climbing.

My youngest daughter is a cheerleader and her team held a clinic for young girls. My 4 year old grandaughter got to participate and cheer for a half time game and thorougly enjoyed it.

I just recently sewed in the sides of two bridesmaids dresses for the daughters of our friends in the ward. They are a beautiful shiny silver color. I also maide some bonnets and pioneer dresses for an upcoming trek we are having in June for the Stake. I will post pictures soon....!
I have also been adding pretty fabric and crotcheted flowers to headbands. I want to have another boutique at my house this summer....Everyone come!

I am going to Zumba at the Rec Center tonight with my daughter Rachel. Heidi tried once but felt she wasn't ready yet to dance so fast

My niece was just married in the Salt Lake Temple....I was able to watch the beautiful ceremony as they were married for time and all eternity.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I feel so good because I just finished clleaning out my kitchen closet. I got rid of some old table cloths. I was afraid of what i might find, but with some cleaning out and wiping, it is much more cleaner and organized. I ran my fingers through my hair and they got stuck. That stuff is most likely from when I snuggled with my grandbaby. All the family was here on saturday and they were all making different things in the kitchen, mostly messes. Somehow we managed to get it clean eventually. I made up a pattern for a crocheted candy kiss holder. It makes up to be about 6 inches high. I will post the pattern later.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a sew day

my 20 year old daughter Heidi suffered a stroke from an avm which is a tangled vein in her brain that she was born with . It was january 26 of last year that this happened. She has come so far since then. It has been a very long and hard journey. She walks with little balance trouble now and her words are much more clear and precisel. If you want to know more about her go to her blog at She is presently working on crocheting a hot pink blanket for herself. Her small motor skills seem to be close to normal. My daughter Sarah brought her sewing machine over here. Her mother in law bought her one for her birthday recently and some patterns. She wants me to teach her how to sew something. I had some lime green fabric and gave it to her and she is going to make her 4 year old daughter a dress. We shall see anyway. The grandkids are running from back and forth from the living room to the kitchen.

My headbands and Hats!

These are a sample of my headbands and hats that I have made. My daughter and her friends are the models!