on Sunday our family sang in sacrament meeting. It was me, Craig, Heidi, Rachel, Sarah, Randall,and Amber. It was frightfully scary to do this but we did it. The song was "Come Come Ye Saints". The song in a way reflected what our family has been through this past year.
My grandaughter for some odd reason pressed her top and bottom lip on a hot pan right out of the oven with pizza on it. She cried and wailed for three hours. Luckily she healed in a week, but in the meantime it cured her from sucking her thumb. A bad thing but at least a good thing came out of it.
We went to Idaho this last weekend. We visited Heidi's surgeon that had operated on her a year ago. He was very nice to visit with us and seemed pleased at Heidi' recovery. We told him that we were thankful that he saved Heidi's life. We also visited friends and family there and the president of BYU Idaho and other church BYU leaders there. Heidi bore her testimony in sacrament meeting of her old ward . Over all we had a very nice trip.